NYC graffiti |
Never too old for Hello Kitty stick-on nails |
never doubt, never look back |
“And the day came that the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” –– Anais Nin
proof: hopeful words from a brilliant woman. |
"It's okay to jiggle, Beyonce jiggles"
-Best yoga instructor quote ever. |
another tattoo? I think so. |
I wouldn't be anywhere without her. |
Words of Wisdom From Liana: In life we can't choose what we are given, but we can decide how to handle it. At a young age I was able to learn important life lessons, which usually take people a life time to figure out. So let me share a bit of what I learned: Life's a climb. Everyone faces some sort of adversity at one point in their life. It's all about how we face it. Don't back away from it. Overcome it. Pack your fears away and live. Truly live. Don't be afraid of failure. Live in the moment. You are given the life you were given because you are strong enough to conquer it. Live with your eyes wide open. Find yourself. Create yourself. Dig deep. And don't forget to have a little faith!
presh. absolutely presh. |
horrible song... yet hysterical. |
Oh the love of a best friend... |
Do it, do it today. |
oh but really... duh. |
it's going to be okay, it just is. declare it. |
^Key to an excellent day^ |
I need this on my mirror... |
when in doubt, play dress-up |
How can this not make you smile? |
surprising answer to "What's up?!" |
I want, I want, I want to cuddle! |
A pink door at some point in life is definitely necessary |
now, that's a woman! |
you better believe it... don't be afraid to snort in public. |
Okay, I admit... I'm a bonafide pinster. |
there are hardly words... get down granny. |
I just had to include this. |