April 23, 2012

kitty fur.

if there is one thing that can make you feel better
when you feel like
your skin is crawling
your mind is racing
your heart is pounding
your hands can't remain still
and your stomach is screaming.
it's fur. sweet, precious kitty fur.

because unlike feelings and emotions.
kitty fur, never changes
and it never stops feeling
warm, soft, nurturing, cuddly.
it's always the same
and the heart under the fur always loves you
always, always, always.
no fights, no hurt feelings,
no distance, no pressure.
that fur just downright loves you dammit.
and you know…
sometimes we all just need unexplainable & ever-present love,
no matter how independent or satisfied we claim to be.

so this was the face that brightened my day.
my sweet fur:

okay, so my love is hundreds of miles away.
but i'll take what I can get,
even just a photo text (dictated by Dad)
to say happy monday
I miss my kitty fur.
Is it weird to say their presence just makes
the painful recovery days a bit more tolerable?
Not at all… Because I know you all know exactly what I mean.
and thats all I have to say about that,

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