January 12, 2012

you is...

repeat this three times every day 
and see if you don't smile brighter in the 

and if you have yet to see The Help 
or read the book,
I demand you do both.
There is more healing in this story
than I can explain…
healing the whole world needs:
warmth and love

kind, smart, important,


  1. Okay... So I've read this snippet of the book and saw this over at Nourishing the Soul... but every time it sort of stuns me for a moment... and reminds me of the movie "Corrina, Corrina" when Whoopi Goldberg is telling the little girl to just remember, "I am Molly Singer, and there's nobody in the world better than me"

    anyway... have you seen the film?

  2. Ah! I have not seen this yet, but I just read the synopsis and it sounds like something I must see! Thank you for sharing that with me, I am going to try and hunt this movie down!
