May 11, 2012

… to stop searching

a poem:
Having loved enough and lost enough,
I'm no longer searching
just opening,

no longer trying to make sense of pain
but trying to be a soft and sturdy home
in which real things can land.

These are the irritations
that rub into a pearl.

So we can talk for a while
but then we must listen,
the way rocks listen to the sea.

And we can churn at all that goes wrong
but then we must lay all distractions
down and water every living seed.

And yes, on nights like tonight
I too feel alone. But seldom do I
face it squarely enough
to see that it's a door
into the endless breath
that has no breather,
into the surf that human
shells call God.

~Mark Nepo

what would it look like to stop searching
and only stand still
face the door
face fear
accept what we cannot change
rub against challenge
be refined into a pearl

and stopped questioning 
the waves and tides engulfing our entire bodies
and stopped looking back at the shore 
wondering what it would be to return
questioning whether there is another
safe shore in the future

what if we just listened to the sea
what would it look like to stop searching

I wish I could be that still in the water
knowing I was one day going to be a pearl
but rocks hurt.
they hurt really bad.

read this everyday,

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