November 20, 2011


from tonight's service at Hillsong NYC.

It doesn't matter if you are at rock bottom, Jesus' arms are long enough to reach you and lift you out. When He asks to you hop of board with Him, He isn't asking that you fly the plane. He just wants you to agree to be on board. That's it. Just get on. When you cannot fly yourself, He will fly for you. Just get on. It will be okay.

It will be okay.
It will be okay.

I promise,


  1. I think hope is such a beautiful thing. I don't go to church, but I do believe in God... and I love that I'm starting to remember to thank him.

  2. I want to get on. I need Jesus' help. Today was rough. Recovery is rough. But I want to live a full life. So I have no choice.

    You have a very lovely and insightful blog! Thank you so much for sharing dear C.
