March 24, 2012

the control of a mess & the mess of a control

I read this post this morning from Carrie.
words I found to be an echo of my rant to my therapist yesterday.
A much more eloquently written echo.
"It was like I found a volume knob for all of the noise in my brain and to turn down that chatter, I just had to turn down my eating and turn up my exercise. I knew that the eating disorder didn't help me cope, not really, but it was how I made a crazy, anxiety-provoking world kind of cohere. It gave my world organization." -ED Bites
so much control,
one more hour and maybe I'll have something. maybe.
so predictable,
carrot sticks = good mood, brownie sundae = you feel like shit, easy as pie.
so manageable,
no, sorry I can't go out for your birthday dinner I have…ehh, homework.
so "harmless",
oh come on, it's not drugs or alcohol.
so validated,
I'm being so healthy eating spinach, it iron! I feel just great!
so dependable,
I follow these rules, I shall feel like this all the time.

also known as… feel nothing.
Life is messy. And painful. The eating disorder, while painful in its own way, is neat. It has a type of "payoff." -ED Bites

for a quite lengthy period of time,
this is how I made sense.
this is how I functioned.
this is how I lived.
well, existed at least.

it was the same everyday, so much "the same" that I can now hardly
remember a single "good day"
yes, I can remember the times I was scared out-of-my-mind
I probably didn't even feel those moments at the time
but I now remember
and as I gain more and more of me
I feel more and more of
where I have been
what I have been through
and even scarier
what I am leaving behind.
the control I am leaving behind.

there lies the question: who will I be without this?
what will I look like?
sound like?
talk like?
feel like?
dream like?
or even smell like?
the E.D. makes all those answers unimaginably clear.
it's like magic.
everyday, every hour, every minute.
it's the same. it's neat. it's not messy…messy, like life.

messes terrify me.
even recovery has its own pattern, if-you-will
though how you will feel, what emotions may come up the next hour,
and how you will react when "the sh*t hits the fan"
is far less predictable,
there is still:
Monday: Nutrition meeting
Tuesday: yoga
Wednesday: email follow-up food diary
Thursday: therapy
Friday: catch up on life, REST night
To-Do Every night: Journal: 
how food made you feel,
when you felt comfortable
and when you didn't.
During the day: notice when you are anxious
when you are happy, 
when you are feeling the best
and the worst.

everyday, every hour, every minute
it has been recovery.
my top priority.
it can be an excuse for being "tired"
it can validate a whiny mood,
the process can provide structure
and the thoughts of controlling food are ironically similar
only this time, food = increased health.
DUH. we're learned this already.

but this week I've been wondering.
what comes next?
what will I do with this messy
wild, glorious world without
the E.D. and then… without the life of recovery?
It's like losing a job,
divorcing a husband,
moving locations,
going back to school late in life.
Who will I be now?
What kind of world am I jumping into?
When is it right to let go…
… to let go even of hiding behind recovery.

When I come out from behind the curtain
what will I look like?

sound like?
talk like?
feel like?
dream like?
or even smell like?

I hope I look like Beyonce, 
sound like Adele, 
talk like Ellen Degeneres, 
feel like a warrior, 
dream like Mother Teresa 
and smell like fresh ground coffee.
Just for kicks. 

I probably won't be any of these things.
because they are not me.
they are tangible, real-life examples for comparison.
but they are not me.
I know they are only an example of a maybe 
to give my mind and body peace of the unknown.

since I let go of the volume knob
since I threw the file folder out the window
since I took off my armor
since I decided to see
what a messy world of mistakes 
and sadness 
and imperfections looked like.
up close, without any protection or secret hideout.

but also since I let go,
I also get to see a world of
& miracles.

it's give and take.
give and take.
but seeing one miracle just
may be the thing that makes 
eating the brownie sundae
instead of carrots for once,
chuckin' out the file folder,
and stepping out utterly vulnerable

completely worth it.

this week I hope you join me 
in fighting to let go of 
the control,
the control of a mess.
which turns into a mess of control.
this we have learned.

be encouraged.
this too shall pass,


  1. Too bad letting go of that control is so hard.

    1. It is so, so, SO unbelievably hard. But I just rest in the fact that years later when I have fully let go, it will all be worth it when the sun shines so much brighter…but for now… it's just going to be a battle, but worth fighting for! :)

  2. I definitely agree that it's tiresome... and interesting how much time goes into it.. I don't think people understand the time or energy (physically or emotionally) trying can take... I often wonder, as well, what it would be like without my weekly appointments and coaching calls. What would I do with that time... live life? Live the life I'm trying to give back to myself?
